Mega Bundle Z

Mega Bundle Z expires in 4 days!

8 Projects, 59 Sleights, 51 Effects/Routines, 9 and a half hours of training, $257 worth of products, and a CRAZY free bonus…

...all for JUST $165.

Mega Bundle Z
Sale Price: $165.00 Original Price: $252.00

Save $87 NOW!

When you take secure my offer today here’s everything you can expect to receive: 

Coin Project Number One: ITOSHITO (normally sold for $40) 

This project is Chris Ramsay’s favorite (the biggest magic Youtuber on the platform) and in this training, I go over:

  • 10 incredibly fooling gaffless coin effects (that other magicians will swear use gimmicks!)

  • The cleanest coin vanishes I know! (no more “it’s on the other hand” shouts for you)

  • A routine straight out of my 4F act! (An invitation-only magic convention)

  • My methods for performing routines so they’re easy to practice and learn, but mind-blowingly powerful!

  • The reasons why I think this is one of my easiest projects to learn from, but still one of my most powerful projects to date.

Coin Project Number Two: How To Do Coin Magic (normally sold for $30)

In this project, you’ll learn…

  • How to choose coins that best suit your hands and body

  • 4 ways to switch coins with Zee's personal touches

  • 9 ways to palm coins & tips on making them feel natural

  • 8 of Zee's favorite coin vanishes and productions

  • A subtlety on one of the most used utility move that you can only find in HTDCM (How To Do Coin Magic)

  • 9 Performance tips on how to make elevate your real-life coin magic performances

  • 5 of Zee's favorite effects to show with borrowed coins

Coin Project Number Three: Project Z (normally sold for $30)

This project features…

  • A masterclass on Retention Vanish from Zee.

  • How to choose the perfect sized coin for your hands

  • The 8 retention vanishes you need to be able to handle ANY situation when you want to vanish a coin.

  • Parlor magic instruction, street magic instruction, restaurant magic instruction, AND virtual magic instruction.

  • 2 versions of the coin through hand effects (which I humbly think are the best coin through hand effects ever produced AND my friends agree...)

I’ll be honest, when I first put this project up for sale, I wasn’t sure if it would do as well as my previous work…

...but now it’s outsold all of them COMBINED.

This project features:

  • The ONE coin magic move I think has the most applications in ALL of the coin magic.

  • One technique that will allow you to perform EIGHT coin routines.

  • NO GIMMICKS (you’ll only need 4 coins to perform every single routine in this project.)

  • What is supposed to be one of the hardest moves in coin magic broken down to such a degree you’ll struggle not to learn it with one day of practice (this move should take half a year of practice, but I’ve done all the hard for you in my teaching…)

Coin Project Number Four: Retention Z: Revisited (normally sold for $30)

In Mega Bundle Z, coin projects alone are worth $130!

But it doesn’t stop here!

I have 4 more projects and an incredible bonus project ready for you!

However, if you want to get right into learning some crazy visual magic, then stop browsing and click the purchase button below!

Card Project Number One: Smooth Z (normally sold for $30)

The theme of this project is “streamlining classic routines to suit the modern performing environment”.

I have taken some of my favorite plots in magic and cut away most of the steps to provide the most simple and direct visual impacts.

In this project, you will learn:

  • Top Card Cover Pass that is extremely discreet and has absolutely no tension or awkward pauses

  • A Single-Card Color change that happens at your fingertips

  • 2 Extremely clean and direct triumph routines that will entertain your spectators and fool other magicians

  • A streamlined version of Dr. Daley’s Last Trick

  • A 2 Card Transpo routine that uses no duplicate cards yet still feels like real magic

  • Lastly… A knuckle-busting sleight with a finger-breaking Sandwich routine that trains your dexterity

Card Project Number Two: Worker Z (normally sold for $35)

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert in the sleight of hand. You will find yourself performing materials from Worker Z the next day of watching it… because all of them are SUPER EASY!

In this project, you will learn:

  • A switch inspired by Slydini that allows you to switch ANYTHING that fits in your hand

  • 2 multi-phase Triumphs that are so straightforward 

  • 3 versions of Ambitious Card Routines that feel like real magic rather than magic tricks

  • 3 versions of 3 Coins Across that are theoretically correct

  • Turn a piece of plastic into a spectator’s thought card

  • 9 sleights/touches that will elevate your sleight game

Card Project Number Three: Randolph Palm (normally sold for $12)

This project is much more than ‘just a palm’. You will learn:

  • Randolph Palm v1 Mechanics

  • Randolph Palm v2 Mechanics

  • Clap Palm Transfer

  • Randolph Transpo

  • PLUS Zee’s tips on DMB spread control

In over 30 minutes of tuition, Zee uncovers every use, every variant, and every tip on Randolph Palm. His improvements to a classic sleight become the difference between just knowing... and mastery.

Randolph Palm is a fast & discreet reverse palm of 1 card, 2 cards, or however many cards you want. Pure, unadulterated sleight-of-hand.

Lastly, a Mentalism Project: Modern Mind Reading Magic Z (normally sold for $30)

Mentalism is a way of demonstrating supernatural ability for entertainment purposes rather than using it to take advantage of others.

In MMRMZ, you will learn:

  • Use any phone as a billet to read anyone’s mind

  • ‘Almost’ perfect Open Prediction that never fails to blow spectators’ minds and fool fellow magicians

  • Psychometry demonstration with a surprise mind-reading

  • Clairvoyance demonstration with a pen and some business cards

  • Séance demonstration using only a deck of cards and a sharpie

  • Appear as a master of psychology using any borrowed phone

  • Casually demonstrate the nearly impossible possibility with a deck of cards

  • Kwaii Subtlety: a subtlety that allows you to perform TV Special level magic in real life.

Spceial Bonus Project: Invisible Pass Z (Normally sold for $20)

In Invisible Pass Z, you will learn:

  • A truly invisible #CLASSIC Pass

  • The most economical YET invisible Top Card Cover Pass

Control a card right under your spectator’s nose even after telling them to burn your hand!

Now you might be thinking, all of this sounds great, but what do your current customers/friends think of your work?

It’s a fair question. Here’s all the feedback I’ve had so far:

“It's been said that you should practice until the difficult becomes easy, and the easy becomes beautiful. Zee has made the beautiful immaculate."

- Eric Jones

“Slow. Gentle. Perfect. Watching Zee's Retention Vanish makes me want to re-examine my approach. The pull-through visual is actually absurd; I've used it since he showed me”

- Branden Wolf

“Best retention vanishes I have ever seen.”

- Chris Ramsay

“Zee has a real soft touch with coins. This is the exact key objective of my work. I love his magic!”

- Lawrens Godon

“Zee is one of the BEST sleight of hand artists I have ever known."

- Henry Harrius

"Zee is easily one of the best out there, and his next-level thinking reflects with everything he creates."

- Nicholas Lawrence

"Zee is a technical master of magic."

- Christian Grace

As you can see, I ONLY produce high-quality, visually impressive magic that will get you respect from both lay audiences and magicians.

And if you don’t agree—you can have your money back!



Here’s how refunds work with me:

  • You don’t need a reason

  • You can ask for a refund at any time

  • I don’t care if you’ve learned every move and mastered every sleight. If you’re not impressed, then there’s no point in us doing business and your money is yours.

Simply, if you want your money back, it’ll be safe and sound in your bank account before you can say: “Dai Vernon”

All that being said, it’s time for me to stop speaking, but before I do, you should know something…

…there’s only one catch when it comes to all this—this offer will only be available for the next 5 days.

That means, after these 5 days, if you want to get your hands on any of the projects outlined above, you’ll have to buy them at full price.

There’s a reason for that:

  1. This deal is LITERALLY breaking my bank, so once I proved my point—I’m out.

  2. I want you to make a decision, nobody likes having a nag in the back of their mind, so I’ll make it easy for you: either you buy in the next 4 days or you don’t.

Sounds good? Let’s recap…

If you secure my BANK-BREAKING offer today, you will get:

  • $257 worth of magic

  • 8 high-quality projects

  • 51 Effects/Routines

  • 59 Sleights

  • 9 and a half hours of training…

  • …and a crazy FREE bonus

Mega Bundle Z
Sale Price: $165.00 Original Price: $252.00